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Accessing a vectors m_x0 value based on the vector's index [ARDUINO]

Currently, I have three potentially targetable lines visible to the pixy2. I have a ‘for’ loop that iterates through all visible vectors, selects the one with m_x0 that is closest to the center, gets the index of that vector, and then calls setVector() with the selected index when it is finished.

Now my questions/problems.
One: How do I get the m_x0 and m_y0 of that vector after I have already cycled? Can I get it based on the index?
Two: The pixy does not appear to refresh which vector is selected when there is a different vector closer to the center unless I open the config menu in pixymon
Three: Despite repeatedly calling the setVector method, sometimes there is no vector (visibly) selected on pixymon

Here is the code, but be warned, it’s a mess. This is the closest I could get to a functioning system.

#include <PIDLoop.h>
#include <Pixy2.h>
#include <Pixy2Line.h>
#include <Pixy2UART.h>

#include <Pixy2I2C.h>
#include <Pixy2SPI_SS.h>

 * Communication code from the pixys to the arduino and from the duino to the rio
 * The highPixy is the pixy placed high on the robot, which will be used for pathing to the white line
 * The lowPixy is the pixy placed low on the robot used for shorter range tracking of the reflective tape

//  Declares the Pixys
Pixy2SPI_SS highPixy;
Pixy2I2C lowPixy;

//  Declares variables for the low pixy
int leftX;
int rightX;
int leftWidth;
int rightWidth;
int xLOne;
int xROne;
int xLTwo;
int xRTwo;
int centerPoint;
int absoluteCenter = 158;
int distToCenter;
double angleToCenter;
double tempDistCenter;
double selectedDistCenter = 39;
double targetIndex;

//  Value of pi for calculations
double pi = 3.1415926535;

//  Height and angle of the pixy (in)
double cameraHeight = 47.375;
double cameraAngle = 30;

//  Coordinates of the origin point (p)
double originX = 39;
double originY = 51;

//  Constants for the pixy
double thirtyDegInRad = ((pi / 180) * 30);
double degPerVertPix = (40.0 / 51.0);
double degPerHorizPix = (60.0 / 78.0);

//  Values for calculating position later [RECOMMENT]
//  Degrees from vertical to the end of the blindspot
double blindspotDeg = (cameraAngle - 20);

//  Pixel distance from the base to the target point
double xDist;
double yDist;

//  Diagonal distance from the camera to the target point
double hypToCamera;
double yDistDeg;
double xDistDeg;

//  Y Distance in inches from the robot to the target
double distRobotToTarget;

double xDistRobotToTarget;

//  Width of the projection at the given y value
double xWidth;

//  Inches per pixel in the x direction
double xInPerPix;

//  Distance from midline to the target on the floor in Inches
double xDistIn;

//  Degrees from the base of the robot to the target point
double degToTarget;
double distToTarget;

//  Command char recieved from the rio, where 2 is degToTarget, 1 is distToTarget, 3 is angleToCenter, and 4 is lowPosition
char incCommand = '0';

//	Commands we are comparing incCommand to
const char GET_DEG_TO_TARGET = '2';
const char GET_DIST_TO_TARGET = '1';
const char GET_ANGLE_TO_CENTER = '3';
const char GET_LOW_POSITION = '4';

//  This is the return for the position according to the lowPixy, where 1 is left, 2 is center, and 3 is right. -1 is no blocks
int lowPosition = -1;

//  Convert degrees to radians
double degToRad(double degInput)
	double radOutput = degInput * (pi / 180);
	return radOutput;

//  Calculate the inches per x pixel on a given y value in order to calulate angle to the robot
void calcInPerPix(double height, double angle, double tailX, double tailY)
	xDist = (tailX - originX);
	yDist = (originY - tailY);
	yDistDeg = (blindspotDeg + (yDist * degPerVertPix));
	distRobotToTarget = 11+(height * tan(degToRad(yDistDeg)));
	hypToCamera = sqrt(sq(height) + sq(distRobotToTarget));
  xDistDeg = (xDist * degPerHorizPix);
  xDistRobotToTarget = hypToCamera * tan(degToRad(abs(xDistDeg)));

//void calcDistToCenterLow()
//	if (lowPixy.ccc.blocks[0].m_x < lowPixy.ccc.blocks[1].m_x)
//	{
//		leftX = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[0].m_x;
//		rightX = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[1].m_x;
//		leftWidth = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[0].m_width;
//		rightWidth = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[1].m_width;
//	}
//	else if (lowPixy.ccc.blocks[0].m_x > lowPixy.ccc.blocks[1].m_x)
//	{
//		leftX = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[1].m_x;
//		rightX = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[0].m_x;
//		leftWidth = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[1].m_width;
//		rightWidth = lowPixy.ccc.blocks[0].m_width;
//	}
//	xLOne = leftX - (leftWidth / 2);
//	xROne = rightX + (leftWidth / 2);
//	xLTwo = leftX - (rightWidth / 2);
//	xRTwo = rightX + (rightWidth / 2);
//	centerPoint = ((xLTwo - xROne) / 2) + xROne;
//	distToCenter = absoluteCenter - centerPoint;
//	angleToCenter = distToCenter * 0.189873;

void setup()
	// put your setup code here, to run once:

	//  Initializes the Pixy
	//  Hexadecimal values passed in correspond to address set on the pixy
////	lowPixy.init(0x53);
//	highPixy.changeProg("line");
//  highPixy.line.setMode(LINE_MODE_MANUAL_SELECT_VECTOR);

//  Reads command off of the wire and converts it to a usable char
void receiveCommand()
	incCommand = (char)Serial.read();

//  Flushes excess data off after we read the command
void serialFlush()
	while (Serial.available() > 0)
		char t = Serial.read();

//  Writes data down the wire based on command passed in
void sendData(char command)
	if (command == GET_DEG_TO_TARGET)
		if (String(degToTarget) == ("-34.36"))
			degToTarget = -180;
	else if (command == GET_DIST_TO_TARGET)
//	else if (command == GET_ANGLE_TO_CENTER)
//	{
//		Serial.println(angleToCenter);
//	}
//	else if (command == GET_LOW_POSITION)
//	{
//		Serial.println(lowPosition);
//	}

void loop()
  int indexindex = 0;
  targetIndex = -500;
	//  Gets data from the highPixy
	highPixy.line.getAllFeatures(1, false);
  selectedDistCenter = 39;
  tempDistCenter = 39;
  for(indexindex = 0; indexindex < highPixy.line.numVectors; indexindex++) 
    tempDistCenter = abs(originX - highPixy.line.vectors[indexindex].m_x0);
    if (tempDistCenter < selectedDistCenter)
      selectedDistCenter = tempDistCenter;
      targetIndex = highPixy.line.vectors[indexindex].m_index;

	//  Calculates return values for the highPixy
	calcInPerPix(cameraHeight, cameraAngle, highPixy.line.vectors->m_x0, highPixy.line.vectors->m_y0);
	degToTarget = (atan(xDistRobotToTarget / distRobotToTarget) * (180 / pi)) * (abs(xDist)/xDist);
	distToTarget = sqrt(sq(distRobotToTarget) + sq(xDistRobotToTarget));

	//  Gets data from the lowPixy
//	lowPixy.ccc.getBlocks(true, 255, 2);

	//  Calculates return values for the lowPixy
//	if (lowPixy.ccc.numBlocks)
//	{
//		calcDistToCenterLow();
//		if (absoluteCenter - centerPoint < 2)
//		{
//			lowPosition = 1;
//		}
//		else if (absoluteCenter - centerPoint > 2)
//		{
//			lowPosition = 3;
//		}
//		else
//		{
//			lowPosition = 2;
//		}
//	}
//	else
//	{
//		lowPosition = -1;
//	}

	//  Runs the communication code if a command is available
	if (Serial.available() > 0)
		incCommand = 0;

That’s correct, you get it through line values associated with that index if you are using getAllFeatures()

I’m not sure I understand your problem. The Vector won’t change if another line is closer to the center. Pixy will continue to track the current Vector until is can no longer see it.

I’m not sure what’s happening there. Sometimes you can call setVector and that line may be replaced by another line with another index – something that’s called a “tracking error”. This happens when the scene is sufficiently complex though.

Why are you calling setVector? Pixy will select a Vector that is lowest in the image and closest to the center by default, which sounds very similar to what you are doing. Bear in mind however, that Pixy will only select a new Vector if it loses the current Vector (it goes off-screen for example).



I know this is an older post, but did you ever get what you were trying to do to work? Specifically, I’m curious about the part where you were you were trying to use setVector to choose what line would get the red “vector” label on pixymon. I know I’ve got the “LINE_MODE_MANUAL_SELECT_VECTOR” bit set because if the camera ever loses the line that is originally selected as the “vector”, no selected vector shows up even if that same line comes back into view. Just wondering if you succeeded in setting that vector manually based on its index like it looks like you were trying to do in your code. Thanks!